Dit werkt:
<style type="text/css">
.select {font-family:comic sans ms; border-color:yellow;color:darkred;font-style:italic;cursor:hand;background-color:green;text-decoration:undeline; }
OPTION.first{font-family:arial;font-size:11px;font-style:italic; cursor:hand;font-weight:100;background-color:red;color:white;text-decoration:underline;}
OPTION.third{font-family:'comic sans ms';background-color:yellow; color:firstoon}

Dit werkt ook:
<select name="" id="select1" class="select" this.selectedIndex=0 onmouseover="this.options[0].style.color='yellow';this.options[0].style.background='#dedede'" onmouseout="this.options[0].style.color='white';this.options[0].style.background='red'">
<option class="first" selected >Grammaire</option>
<option class="first" >first</option>
<option value="second" class="third" >second</option>
<option value="third">third</option>

This SmartFrames layout has the following features:

  1. It uses META tags and the noframes element in the frameset document to help search engines index your site.
  2. It uses Javascript to write a cross-browser compatible hyperlink in the top right corner of the content frame that the user can click on to create a proper browser bookmark ("favorites" in Internet Explorer).
  3. It uses Javascript to write the actual web address of the content page at the bottom to help users when sending links.
  4. It uses Javascript to make sure that all frame source pages are always loaded inside of the frame layout.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer pede libero, accumsan a, lobortis venenatis, posuere eu, nunc. Nam tincidunt neque id neque. Etiam arcu. Quisque nulla libero, facilisis vehicula, pellentesque in, laoreet eu, risus. Maecenas consectetuer sagittis ipsum. Aliquam vitae justo sed wisi lacinia commodo. Vivamus molestie, ligula ultrices dictum lacinia, erat erat sagittis arcu, ac lacinia nunc diam ut pede. Integer arcu nulla, dapibus nec, ornare eu, congue ac, eros. Pellentesque in velit. Suspendisse viverra leo ut augue. Sed est orci, scelerisque et, consectetuer eget, accumsan tempus, leo. Suspendisse fermentum, lorem id euismod vulputate, lacus elit posuere enim, convallis dignissim est arcu vitae velit. In mattis. Maecenas ante. Praesent id massa vitae lacus tincidunt posuere. Nulla aliquam, eros sed fermentum fermentum, leo pede vestibulum ante, sed consequat felis wisi at libero.

Suspendisse aliquet ante vel nunc. Sed lobortis gravida ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Nam pharetra sapien. Aliquam augue sem, pretium volutpat, commodo eget, tincidunt et, diam. Mauris tempor nonummy velit. In fringilla. Phasellus malesuada blandit dui. Suspendisse ut mi ut sem tincidunt semper. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sem turpis, sodales ac, bibendum non, posuere in, dui. Sed at lorem non mauris vehicula faucibus. Aenean bibendum. Sed tellus mauris, pharetra in, semper non, rutrum eget, metus. Proin sed metus. Nunc quis justo. Integer suscipit. Etiam mauris. Duis in metus nec diam fringilla consectetuer. In congue.